
ALWAYS                                                                                         DO / DOES


Affirmative /Κατάφαση      Interrogative /Ερώτηση      Negative/Άρνηση

I play                                        Do I play?                                I don’t play

He cleans                              Does he clean?                       He doesn’t clean




α) Ρήματα που τελειώνουν σε: 

-ch   -sh   - s    -x   -o  -z   προσθέτουν  -es 

I miss = he misses
I watch = she watches
I finish = it finishes
I mix = she mixes
I go = he goes
I wash = he washes
I kiss = he kisses
I fix = he fixes
I fizz = it fizzes
I buzz = it buzzes
I blitz = blitzes (bomb heavily)

β) Ρήματα που τελειώνουν σε:

σύμφωνο + y χάνουν το –y και προσθέτουν –ies

I study = he studies
I cry = he cries

αλλά: I play = he plays


1. Συνήθειες, επαναλαμβανόμενες πράξεις ρουτίνας και καθημερινότητας.

I often go to the movies.

I always play chess at the weekend.


2. Γενικές αλήθειες / νόμοι της φύσης / επιστημονικά αξιώματα / καταστάσεις που δεν αλλάζουν.

Cats like milk. 

Windows are made of glass.

New York is a big city.

He only speaks English.

Lion is a strong animal.

He never forgets his wallet.

He always forgets to buy bred. 

The sun rises in the East.

Every 12 months the Earth circles the Sun.

Cervantes is the greatest author of all times.


4. Δρομολόγια τρένων, αεροπλάνων κτλ. (Είναι σαν να αναφερόμαστε στο μέλλον)

The train usually leaves at 5.00

The train leaves tonight at 10:00 pm

5. Προγράμματα ταξιδιών, θεάτρων, κινηματογράφων, εκδηλώσεων...
(Είναι σαν να αναφερόμαστε στο μέλλον)

The film starts at 8:00 pm

When does class begin tomorrow?


6. Γραπτός λόγος: αφήγηση ιστορίας, περιγραφή ταινίας...

When he looks in the mirror he realizes that his face has changed.

The film is about a wealthy man who starts losing grip on reality


7. Περιγραφές αγώνων, κριτικές έργων, αναμετάδοση γεγονότων, βραβείων...

LeBron takes the ball and passes it to Andetokumbo.

And the Oscar goes to Robert De Niro.

And the winner is Jeremy Irons.


8. Σε επιφωνηματικές προτάσεις που ξεκινούν με το here ή το there.

Here comes the bus!

Here comes the sun little darling...!!!!

There you are again!


9. Στις χρονικές προτάσεις (time clauses) μετά τους χρονικούς συνδέσμους όπως π.χ. τους




until (μέχρι)

by the time (μέχρι)

once (μόλις)

as soon as (μόλις)

the moment that (μόλις)


while / as

as long as


...όταν αναφερόμαστε στο μέλλον χρησιμοποιούμε κάποιον present tense (π.χ. present perfect simple) και όχι will.

Εξαίρεση α.
* όταν το when παύει να είναι χρονικό και μεταφράζεται ως "πότε?" σε πλάγια ερωτηματική τότε βάζουμε μέλλοντα:

To be honest I don't know when they will come.

(αλλά ως χρονικό present:
- What time is the dinner?
- I will let you know when I make the arrangement.

Εξαίρεση β.
** όταν το if χρησιμοποιήται με εκφράσεις άγνοιας ή αβεβαιότητας τότε βάζουμε μέλλοντα:

I doubt if she will marry me (but if she marries me I will invite you to the wedding).

(αλλά ως υποθετικό present: I will marry her If she wants).


  •  At:
  • (1) time: at three o' clock / at lunchtime / at suppertime / at breakfast time / at bedtime / at sunrise / at sunset  / at dawn / at nightfall / at daybreak / at twilight
  • (2) at midday / at noon / at midnight / at night
  • (3) at the weekend: I don't usually work at the weekend.
  • (4) at present: He's not home at present. Try later.
  • (5) at Easter (μεγάλες γιορτές / short holiday periods)

  • On + day of the week
Do you work on Mondays?
On my birthday I want the best present.
On my wedding anniversary I will be flying to Rome.
He's not at the office. He's on a holiday.
Her birthday is on 28 November.
Have you seen the film "Born on the 4th of July". (αλλά: born in July)
Why we traditionally celebrate Christmas Day on 25th December?
Where will you be on New Year's Day?
On Monday morning he will be flying to London.

  • In 
  • (1) month
  • (2) season of the year 
  • (3) year
  • (4) centuries
  • (5) long periods:
In the summertime when the weather is hot you got women, you got women on your mind!
In Sweden, it often snows in December
In Sweden, it often snows in the winter
In spring
In 1993
In the 1990s
In the Ice Age
In the past
In the future: Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future? / in the next
  • In + the morning / the evening / the afternoon / the night.

Every day/ every year / every month

Once, twice, three times a year / a week...

First  / Then (First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin...)

Always / Never / Hardly ever

Regularly / Often  

Rarely / Seldom

Occasionally / Sometimes 


Present simple exercises











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