
Type Zero (general truth)

If (when /whenever ) + Simple Present - Simple Present

  • Είμαστε βέβαιοι ότι θα συμβεί το γεγονός και απλά δεν ξέρουμε το πότε:

If / When it rains the road gets dangerous.

When he gets angry he bites.

Type 1 (real present)

If + όλοι οι Present 
should + απαρέμφατο Ενεστώτα (εδώ: γεγονός που θεωρούμε απίθανο να συμβεί)     

will + απαρέμφατο Eνεστώτα (Future Simple) for predictions, superstitions  and future plans.
can / could  + απαρέμφατο Eνεστώτα
may / might + απαρέμφατο Ενεστώτα 
when a future event is possible but not definite
must + απαρέμφατο Eνεστώτα
should + απαρέμφατο Ενεστώτα
Όλοι οι Present
Προστακτική for warnings and threats

If we work hard, we will finish the project on time
If you have finished your work, you can go home.                                                                      
If you’re going to the shop, can you buy me some cola?
If you need someone to help you move, I might be able to help.
If It's a sunny day tomorrow, we might have a pool party.
If we hurry, we might catch the early train.
If you’re going to pay him, make sure you get a receipt.
I can get you a ticket to the Madonna concert if you want to go.
If you get a new job, you should really buy nicer clothes.
If you call your mother tonight, tell her I said "hello".
What are you going to do If it rains tomorrow?
I'm going to buy a new car next year if I have enough money.
You won't get any dessert unless you put your toys away = you won't get any dessert if you don't put your toys away.                                                                    

=> should + απαρέμφατο Ενεστώτα (για γεγονός που θεωρούμε απίθανο να συμβεί)

Should your child become anxious about any activity, it is a good idea to inform the team-leader 
(or If your child should become …)  

Type 2 (unreal present)                              

If + Past Simple                                           
    +Past Continuous                    
would + απαρέμφατο Ενεστώτα
could + απαρέμφατο Eνεστώτα
might + απαρέμφατο Ενεστώτα

If I didn't work so hard for that project, now I wouldn't be so tired.

Type 3 (unreal past)

If + Past Perfect                            would + απαρέμφατο perfect
       Past Perfect Continuous        could + απαρέμφατο perfect
                                                      might + απαρέμφατο perfect

If I had studied harder I would have scored better grades. 


* If + will / would ΜΟΝΟ στις παρακάτω περιπτώσεις:

α) ευγενική παράκληση (polite request)
If you will wait a minute, Mr. Smith will be able to see you.

β) επιμονή (insistence)
If you will go on making so much noise, I'll send you out.

γ) μετά από εκφράσεις που δειχνουν αβεβαιότητα, άγνοια κ.α. όπως I don't know, I wonder, I doubt...
I wonder if he will call me tomorrow.

* If + should + απαρέμφατο Eνεστώτα = Θεωρείται mixed contitional.
Το χρησιμοποιούμε μόνο στην υπόθεση του Type 1 Conditional όταν θεωρούμε απίθανο να συμβεί το γεγονός στο οποίο αναφερόμαστε.

*To when /whenever το χρησιμοποιούμε στην θέση του if οταν είμαστε βέβαιοι οτι θα συμβεί το γεγονός και απλά δεν ξέρουμε το πότε.

 If Bob calls, tell him the truth.
 When Bob calls, tell him the truth.

*Στην απόδοση του Type 1 Conditional μπορούμε στην θέση του will να χρησιμοποιήσουμε το going to + verb (σε infinitive)

If you don’t get ready soon, we’re going to be late!

* Comma:
This will likely happen if this event or conditions happens.
If this event or conditions happens, this will likely happen.

How conditional sentences are mixed

Unreal conditionals (type II + III) sometimes can be mixed, that is, the time of the if clause is different from the one of the main clause.

Present + Past

If I were you, I would have bought the red dress.

(I am not you, so I did not buy the red dress in the past.)

If the teacher were here, she would have turned on the heater this morning.

(The teacher is not here right now, so the heater was not turned on this morning.)

If the students had more time, they would have finished their work yesterday.

(The students do not have more time, so they did not finish their work yesterday.)

Present + Future

If I were you, I would call Tom and apologize.

(I am not you, but you should call Tom and apologize.)

If Bob had more time, he would attend the cooking class next week.

(Bob does not have more time, so he will not attend the cooking class next week.)

If Fred were here, he would go with us to Colorado on Thursday.

(Fred is not here right now, so he will not go with us to Colorado on Thursday.)

Future + Past

If they weren't traveling to France on Thursday, they would have planned to attend your birthday party.

(They are planning to travel to France in the future, so they did not plan to attend the party.)

If I weren't quitting my job in two weeks, I would have purchased you a gift for Christmas.

(I am quitting my job in two weeks, so I did not purchase you a gift for Christmas.)

If Don's sisters weren't going to the theater, they would have agreed to babysit.

(Don's sisters are going to the theater in the future, so that is why they did not agree to babysit.)

Future + Present

If I were getting married tomorrow, I wouldn't be relaxing right now. I would be preparing for the ceremony. 

(I am not getting married tomorrow, so I do not need to relax right now.)

If Jenny and Eric were going to be here for the holidays, they would be making plans.

(Jenny and Eric are not going to be here for the holidays, so they are not making plans now.)

If Dan were traveling with us to Boston in March, he would be saving money.

(Dan is not traveling with us to Boston in March, so he is not saving money now.)

Past + Present

If I had studied in school, I would have a diploma now.

(I did not study in the past, so I do not have a diploma now.)

If Nick had turned in his application, he would be working here now.

(Nick did not turn in his application in the past, so he is not working here in the present.)

If you had recorded the show last night, we could watch it.

(You did not record the show last night, so we can't watch it now.)

Past + Future

If Rose had not called him, they wouldn't be going to the party together tomorrow.

(Rose did call him, so they are going to the party together tomorrow.)

If Nathan and Lisa had finished their chores, they would receive their allowance tonight.

(Nathan and Lisa did not finish their chores, so they will not get their allowance tonight.)

If the television had not broken, we would watch the game this weekend.

(The television broke in the past, so we cannot watch the game this weekend.)

Mixed Conditional Patterns
  • If I had won the lottery, I would be rich.
    But I didn't win the lottery in the past and I am not rich now.
  • If I had taken French in high school, I would have more job opportunities.
    But I didn't take French in high school and I don't have many job opportunities.
  • If she had been born in the United States, she wouldn't need a visa to work here.
    But she wasn't born in the United States and she does need a visa now to work here.

  • If she had signed up for the ski trip last week, she would be joining us tomorrow.
    But she didn't sign up for the ski trip last week and she isn't going to join us tomorrow.
  • If Mark had gotten the job instead of Joe, he would be moving to Shanghai.
    But Mark didn't get the job and Mark is not going to move to Shanghai.
  • If Darren hadn't wasted his Christmas bonus gambling in Las Vegas, he would go to Mexico with us next month.
    But Darren wasted his Christmas bonus gambling in Las Vegas and he won't go to Mexico with us next month.

  • If I were rich, I would have bought that Ferrari we saw yesterday.
    But I am not currently rich and that is why I didn't buy the Ferrari yesterday.
  • If Sam spoke Russian, he would have translated the letter for you.
    But Sam doesn't speak Russian and that is why he didn't translate the letter.
  • If I didn't have to work so much, I would have gone to the party last night.
    But I have to work a lot and that is why I didn't go to the party last night.                          

  • If I didn't have so much vacation time, I wouldn't go with you on the cruise to Alaska next week.
    But I do have a lot of vacation time and I will go on the trip next week.
  • If Cindy were more creative, the company would send her to New York to work on the new advertising campaign.
    But Cindy is not creative and the company won't send her to New York to work on the new campaign.
  • If Dan weren't so nice, he wouldn't be tutoring you in math tonight.
    But Dan is nice and he is going to tutor you tonight.
  • If I weren't going on my business trip next week, I would have accepted that new assignment at work.
    But I am going to go on a business trip next week, and that is why I didn't accept that new assignment at work.
  • If my parents weren't coming this weekend, I would have planned a nice trip just for the two of us to Napa Valley.
    But my parents are going to come this weekend, and that is why I didn't plan a trip for the two of us to Napa Valley.
  • If Donna weren't making us a big dinner tonight, I would have suggested that we go to that nice Italian restaurant.
    But she is going to make us a big dinner tonight, and that is why I didn't suggest that we go to that nice Italian restaurant.
  • If I were going to that concert tonight, I would be very excited.
    But I am not going to go to that concert tonight and that is why I am not excited.
  • If Sandy were giving a speech tomorrow, she would be very nervous.
    But Sandy is not going to give a speech tomorrow and that is why she in not nervous.
  • If Seb didn't come with us to the desert, everyone would be very disappointed.
    But Seb will come with us to the desert and that is why everyone is so happy.

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