


What (a / an)


Negative questions


  • So + adjective / adverb
This cake is so tasty!
He works so hard


  • Such + a / an + adjective + singular countable noun
This is such an original design.

  • Such + adjective + plural or uncountable noun
You gave me such valuable information.


  • What + a / an + adjective + singular countable noun
- What a day!
- What a surprise!
- What a big house you've got!

  • What + adjective + plural or uncountable noun
What expensive furniture.
 - What stupid things you say!
- What beer!


  • How + adjective / adverb
- How nice!
- How nice it is!
- How tall that tree is!
- How big your house is!
- How fast!
- How fast the train goes! (= the train goes very very fast)


  • Negative question (+ exclamation mark)
Isn't she a graceful dancer?


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