
A) Present Infinitives (simple & continuous) παρόν - μέλλον

  • Full: to work (to be working)
  • Bare: work (be working)
  • Gerund: working

B) Perfect Infinitives (simple & continuous) παρελθόν

  • Full: to have worked (to have been working)
  • Bare: have worked (have been working)
  • Gerund: having worked
Αντιστοιχεία χρόνου - απαρεμφάτου

Present : to take / take / taking

Future: to take / take / taking

Present Continuous: to be taking / be taking / taking

Future Continuous: to be taking / be taking / taking


Simple Past: to have taken / have taken / having taken

Present Perfect: to have taken / have taken / having taken

Past Perfect: to have taken / have taken / having taken

Future Perfect: to have taken / have taken / having taken


Past Continuous: to have been taking / have been taking

Present Perfect Continuous: to have been taking / have been taking

Past Perfect Continuous: to have been taking / have been taking

Future Perfect Continuous: to have been taking / have been taking

Όταν καταλαβαίνουμε από τον χρόνο του κύριου ρήματος της πρότασής μας σε ποιά χρονική βαθμίδα βρισκόμαστε (δηλ. παρόν, παρελθόν ή μέλλον) τότε θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε τα Present Infinitives είτε βρισκόμαστε στο παρελθόν, είτε στο παρόν, είτε στο μέλλον 
  • We have to run fast
(Ρήμα σε Simple Present => χρονική βαθμίδα "παρόν" => Απαρέμφατο σε Present Infinitive)
  • We had to run fast
(Ρήμα σε Simple Past => χρονική βαθμίδα "παρελθόν" παρ' όλα αυτά Απαρέμφατο σε Present Infinitive)


...όταν δεν μπορούμε να καταλάβουμε από το κύριο ρήμα της πρότασης σε ποιά χρονική βαθμίδα βρισκόμαστε τότε είμαστε υποχρεωμένοι να ακολουθήσουμε τους κανόνες:
  • We must run fast (παρόν)
  • We must have run fast (παρελθόν)

Ρήματα που συνήθως χρησιμοποιούνται με perfect infinitive είναι τα:

appear: The aircraft appears to have crashed near Kathmandu.
believe: She is believed to have been kidnapped.
claim: He claimed to have left his job voluntarily.
seem: He seams to have lost interest.
modal verbs: You should have told her about the robbery. / You should have known better

NOTE 3: Passive
Present infinitive => (to) be + past participle
  • He hopes to be offered a promotion
Perfect infinitive => (to) have been + past participle
  • She is believed to have been kidnapped

Uses of to - infinitive

1. Εκφράζουμε σκοπό:
  • Sam went to the bank to get some money.

2. Μετά από τα too/enough:
  • He is too young to stay out late.
  • He is old enough to stay out late.
  • Too young to die too old to rock and roll!
3. Για να αναφερθούμε σε απροσδόκητο γεγονό, συνήθως, δυσάρεστο και συνήθως με την ταυτόχρονη χρήση του only.
  • He got there only to find out that everything was a big lie.

4. Be + first / second / last / best / next ...
  • He was the last to arrive.

5. (Juicio de valor) Mε την απρόσωπη έκφραση it + be + adjective / noun:
  • It is important for the couple to spend quality time together.
  • It is important to get there on time.
  • It is her ambition to open her own store (or: it is an ambition for her to open a store => for sb to do sth)

6. Με μερικά nouns και pronouns όπως τα:
  • something: Take something to drink on the bus.
  • somewhere: Let's go somewhere to have some fun.
  • somebody: I need somebody to love.
  • anyone: I feel very lonely because I don't have anyone to talk to.
  • nothing: I have nothing to do.
  • a lot of: I have a lot of things to do.
  • plenty of: You have plenty of time to rest.
  • much: I have much to do.
  • many: I have many book to read.
  • little: I have little time to stay.
  • few: I have few words to say.

7. Μετά από επίθετα που:
α) περιγράφουν συναισθήματα:
  • happy: I'm happy to meet you / I'm happy to be here
  • glad: I'm glad to receive your email / I'm glad to know you're ok!
  • annoyed: He was annoyed to hear that she had left.

β) εκφράζουν προθυμία / απροθυμία:
  • anxious: He is anxious to know the result.
  • eager: Tom said that he was eager to eat lunch with Mary.
  • willing: He is willing to help.
  • unwilling: He is unwilling to help.
  • reluctant: He is reluctant to help (= hestant / unwilling) / Paul was reluctant to take on new responsibilities at work, as he felt he already had too much to do.

γ) αναφέρονται στο χαρακτήρα κάποιου:
  • clever: He was clever not to believe them.
  • kind: It was very kind of you to let me in. It's really cold outside.
  • mean: It was mean of you to shout at them *
* με τα επίθετα που φανερώνουν χαρακτήρα χρησιμοποιούμε και την συγκεκριμένη απρόσωπη σύνταξη. 
δ) Με τα επίθετα:
  • lucky: He was lucky not to be injured in the accident.
  • fortunate: Dear friends, we are all fortunate to have you here with us.

8. Όταν μιά σειρά από ρήματα όπως τα:
  • ask: I asked her what to prepare for dinner.
  • decide: I haven't decided yet who to marry with.
  • explain: I can explain you how to do it. 
  • find out: I will find out how to operate that machine.
  • learn: I have learnt how to ride a horse.
  • show: I will show you how to do it.
  • want to know: I want to know what to expect from you.
  • wonder: I wonder where to go.
...ακολουθούνται από question words* όπως τα:




* προσοχή: ΟΧΙ το why

9. Μετά από κάποια ρήματα όπως:
Advise*: I advise my children to invest in their education.
Afford: I can't afford to go on holiday.
Agree: I agree to accept the following terms and conditions.
Allow *: Will your parents allow you to go to the dance?
Appear: Things aren't always what they appear to de.
Arrange They arrange to meet at the station.
Attempt: He attempted to escape through the window.
Beg: I beg you to stay.
Begin You can begin to eat now without waiting for the others to come
Care (polite offers and suggestions): Would you care to join us for dinner?
Claim: He claims to have met the president.
Consider (με έμμεσο αντικείμενο)
Decide: In the end we decided to go to the cinema.
Desire: The president desires to meet the prime minister.
Intend*: We intend to go to Australia next year.
Encourage (με έμμεσο αντικείμενο)
Expect: Gosh! I didn't expect to see you here.
Fail: She failed to reach the Wimbleton Final this year.
Forbid (με έμμεσο αντικείμενο)
Hope: I hope to see you soon.
Managed: He managed to get the job.
Permit (με έμμεσο αντικείμενο)
Plan: I plan to sell my house and travel
Promise: Take me with you and I promise to be quiet.
Recommend (με έμμεσο αντικείμενο) We recommend you to travel by bus but: We recommend travelling by bus.
Refuse: On cold mornings the car always refuses to start.
Seem: It's seems to be easy. Let's do it!

 NΟΤΕ 1: όταν δυο απαρέμφατα ενώνονται με and ή or τότε το to του δεύτερου απαρεμφάτου μπορεί να παραλειφθεί...
  • He agreed to come and (to) help us.

NOTE 2: Με το ρήμα help χρησιμοποιούμε είτε bare είτε to- infinitive
  • She helped me fill my application 
  • She helped me to fill my application 

Uses of bare infinitive
1. Με το ρήμα help χρησιμοποιούμε είτε bare είτε to- infinitive
  • She helped me fill my application 
  • She helped me to fill my application 

2. Had better + bare infinitive (=> θα ήταν καλύτερα να...: εκφράζει συμβουλή).
  • He had better book his flight earlier
  • I had better leave early tomorrow morning to catch the bus
  • He had better have taken the bus earlier

3. Would rather + bare infinitive (Σε ταυτοπροσωπία. Εκφράζει προτίμηση)
  • He would rather travel alone than travel with bad company
  • He would rather have taken the bus than...

4. Modal verbs:
Must = She must find a job
Ought to = She ought to find a job
Have to

Can* = So you think you can dance?
* can / could + see και hear + -ing: 
  • I could see smoke coming out of the window.
  • I could hear her screaming.

5. Με τα ρήματα let και make:
...με bare infinitive σε ενεργητική φωνή:
  • He never let me use his computer.
  • Don't make me regret this.
με to- infinitive στην παθητική φωνή*:
  • I was made to love you.
  • You were made to make the difference.
* Warning: In passive voice we use be allowed instead of let:
  • The children were allowed to do whatever they wanted. (Not: The children were let do…)
  • You’re allowed to eat as much fruit as you like.
  • We’re not allowed to put posters on the walls.
  • Photography is permitted for non-commercial use only (Permit is often used for official public notices)

6. Με τα ρήματα:
  • hear
  • listen to
  • see
  • watch
  • notice
  • feel
...για να περιγράψουμε μια ΜΗ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΗ ΠΡΑΞΗ είτε σε ενεργητική είτε σε παθητική φωνή + ing
    • As I passed outside their door I heard them fighting last night.
    • I saw her getting into a taxi.../ She was seen getting into a taxi.

    Με τα ίδια ρήματα:
  • listen to
  • hear
  • feel
  • see
  • watch
  • notice
    + bare infinitive σε ενεργητική φωνή
    • As I live next door I listen to them fight constantly. 

    to infinitive στην παθητική φωνή:
    • They were seen to talk to the manager.

    ΝΟΤΕ: see και hear πάντα -ing μαζί με  τα can και could
    Can see
    Could see: I can /could see smoke coming out of the window.

    Can hear

    Could hear: I can / could hear her screaming.


    Use of -ing

    1. Ως ουσιαστικό: smoking, singing, walking, swimming.

    2. Με ρήματα όπως τα:
    admite She admitted making a mistake.
    anticipate They anticipate having many applicants for the job (προβλέπω/περιμένω/προσδοκώ).
    appreciate I appreciate your making the effort to come (# I would appreciate it if you would come).
    avoid Ruth has avoided speaking to Chris since yesterday morning.
    consider We're considering selling the house.
    delay I think we should delay deciding about this until next year.
    deny Neil denies breaking the window.
    excuse Please excuse me for arriving late - the bus was delayed.
    fancy I didn't fancy swimming in that water.
    finish Have you finished reading that magazine?
    forgive He forgave his brother for breaking the window.
    go (for activities) = let's go dancing.
    imagine  She imagined herself sitting in her favourite chair back home.
    involve The operation involves putting a small tube into your heart / Buying a car usually involves getting a loan from a bank..
    keep (continue) = keep walking
    mention My wife mentioned seeing you the other day.
    mind Do you mind having to babysit for your brothers so often?
    miss  I only just missed being run over by a bus this morning.
    postpone We've had to postpone going to France because the children are ill.
    practise His written French is very good but he needs to practise speaking it.
    prevent His disability prevents him (from) driving.
    quit Will you quit interrupting me when I'm trying to study?
    recollect He does not recollect seeing her at the party.
    regret Cathy regretted hurting her friend's feelings.
    report Spies reported seeing a build-up of soldiers.
    resent = She resented having to spend so much time alone (φθονώ / απεχθάνομαι)
    resist She couldn't resist laughing at him in those clothes / She couldn't resist making a joke about his ill-fitting trousers.
    risk It's always a risk starting up a new business.
    save He fell in the river but his friend saved him from drowning
    stand  I can't stand loosing you. 
    suggest I suggested putting the matter to the committee.
    tolerate I won't tolerate lying.

    3. Μετά από ρήματα:
    • enjoy
    • hate
    • dislike
    • like*
    • love*
    • prefer* = I prefer cycling to swimming

    *would like / would love / would prefer + to-infinitive
    • I would prefer to cycle rather than swim.
    • I would love to have a cup of tea.
    • I like drinking tea with my grandmother.

    4. Μετά από εκφράσεις όπως:
    • I'm busy = Please don't bother me. I'm busy doing my taxes.
    • It's no use ​ = It's no use ​crying over ​spilled ​milk.
    • It's (no) good = used to say that an action will not achieve what it is intended to achieve: It's no good telling him - he won't listen / It's no good hiding behind innocent until proven guilty.
    • It's (no) worth = It's (no) worth trying.
    • What's the use of  = What's the use of worrying?
    • Can't help = I can't help falling in love with you.
    • There's (no) point (in) = There's no point in knocking at the door - she's already gone out.
    • Can't stand = I can't stand loosing you (The Police)
    • Have difficulty (in) = I have difficulty in remembering names.
    • Have trouble = 10 solutions for people who have trouble falling asleep at night.
    • Have a hard / difficult time = If you have a hard time falling asleep, a regular bedtime ritual will help you wind down and prepare for sleep.

    5. Μετά τα: spend / waste / lose (time, money, etc.)
    • We wasted a lot of time trying to find a parking space.
    • He lost a million dollars investing in unsuccessful companies.

    6. Μετά από προθέσεις.
    • He was found guilty of lying in court.

    7. Μετά την πρόθεση to σε ρήματα και εκφράσεις όπως:
    • look forword to = Look forward to meeting you soon.
    • I am (not) used to = I'm not used to travelling by tube.
    • get (a)round to = After ​weeks of putting it off, she ​finally got around to ​painting the ​bedroom / Did you get round to doing the ​shopping? (βρίσκω χρόνο να....)
    • object to = She objects to working on Saturday.
    • in addition to = In addition to having the world's largest population China also has the world's largest Muslim population.
    • prefer doing sth to doing sth else

    8. Με τα ρήματα:
    • hear
    • listen to
    • feel
    • see
    • watch
    • notice
    ...για να περιγράψουμε μια ΜΗ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΗ ΠΡΑΞΗ.
    • As I passed outside their door I heard them fighting last night.
    • I saw her getting into a taxi...

    * H ίδια φόρμα, δηλ το απαρέμφατο σε  -ing διατηρείται ΚΑΙ στην passive voice.
    • She was seen getting into a taxi

    NOTE 1: Με τα ίδια ρήματα:
    • hear
    • listen to
    • feel
    • see
    • watch
    • notice
    ... + bare infinitive σε ενεργητική φωνή:
    • As I live next door I listen to them fight constantly.

    ... + to infinitive στην παθητική φωνή:
    • They were seen to talk to the manager. 

    ΝΟΤΕ 2: see και hear πάντα -ing μαζί με  τα can και could
    Can see
    Could see: I can /could see smoke coming out of the window.
    Can hear
    Could hear: I can / could hear her screaming

    Υποκείμενο απαρεμφάτου

    1) Μια προσωπική αντωνυμία (δηλαδή τα I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They) είναι υποκείμενο ενός ρήματος
    I play
    You eat
    He / She / It swim
    We sleep
    You dream
    They run
    Σε περίπτωση ΤΑΥΤΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΑΣ το Υποκείμενο του απαρεμφάτου ΠΑΡΑΛΕΙΠΕΤΑΙ:

    I want to play
    You want to eat...


    Υποκείμενο του Bare Infinitive μπορεί να είναι:
    • Αντωνυμία Αντικειμένου (Object Pronoun: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You, Them): I help them fill in their application.
    • 'Ονομα (Mary, Bob...) I help Bob fill in his application.
    • Ουσιαστικό: I help the student fill in his application.

    Υποκείμενο του to-Infinitive μπορεί να είναι:
    • Αντωνυμία Αντικειμένου (Object Pronoun: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You, Them): I help them to fill in their application.
    • 'Ονομα (Mary, Bob...) I help Bob to fill in his application.
    • Ουσιαστικό: I help the student to fill in his application.

    Υποκείμενο του -ing form μπορεί να είναι:
    • Αντωνυμία Αντικειμένου (Object Pronoun: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You, Them): I like helping him fill in their application.
    • Possessive Adjective: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. I like helping his fill in his application. 
    • 'Ονομα (Mary, Bob...): I like helping Bob fill in his application.
    ...και επιπλέον: 
    • μια possessive case (Mary's, Bob's...): I like helping Bob's fill in his application.

     3) for + noun / object pronoun (ΕΤΕΡΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΑ)
    • Με ρήματα όπως το arrange, hope, long, prepare, ask, wait...
    We have arranged for the plumber to come tomorrow.

    We have arranged for him to come tomorrow.

    • Με τα anxious, cheap, convenient, dangerous, difficult, important, necessary... (juicio de valor).
    It would be idealfor me to speak five languages well / It would be ideal for Bob to be bilingual

    • Με ουσιαστικά όπως advantage, disadvantage, demand, disaster, idea, mistake...
    It was a mistake for you to lend him money / It was a mistake for Maria to lend him money. 

    • It + be + adjective / noun
    It is an ambition for Susan to open her own shop.
    • Με το too και το enough
    It was easy enough for her to find a job.

    • Όταν το infinitive εκφράζει σκοπό...
    There are benches for people to sit on in the park.


    1. Forget
    forget + to -inf  = Ξεχνώ να κάνω κάτι / Not to remember (fail to remember to do sth; refer to an obligation). 
    • I forgot to buy a newspaper...
    forget + -ing from = Δεν μπορώ να ανακαλέσω στην μνήμη κάτι που έκανα στο παρελθόν = (not recall a past event).
    • I'll never forget travelling by plane for the first time. 


     2.  Ακριβώς το ίδιο με το forget είναι και το...Remenber
    remember + to -inf (not forget to so sth) 
    • Please, remember to feed the dog before leaving.

    remember + ing form (recall a past event)
    • I don't remember seeing him at the party last night.

    *Both verbs can be followed by that + clause
    • He forgot to turn off the radio.
    • I had to phone the office but I forgot to do it.
    • I'll never forget seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time.
    • I remembered that I had to pay the phone bill.

    3. Mean

    mean + to - inf ( = intend to)
    • I didn't mean to heart you. I'm just a jealous guy.
    mean + -ing form (= involve)  Σημαίνει...
    • She is determined to get a ticket for the concert, even if it means paying a lot of money.
    that + clause is possible when meaning "is being explained".
    • This means that you have to report to the police station.
    4.  Go on
    go on + to -inf = and then; afterwards, έπειτα, κατόπιν, στη συνέχεια.
    go on + -ing form = συνεχίζω.
    • She went on working even though it was late.

    5. Regret
    regret + to - inf (refers to the speaker's regrets about what is going to be said)
    • We regret to inform you that you have failed.
    • We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful.

    regret + -ing from (refers to a regret about the past)
    • I regret saying that to him.

    That + clause is also possible.  
    • We regret that we didn't tell her earlier.

    6. Try
    try + to - inf (do one's best; attempt) / Προσπαθώ, βάζω τα δυνατά μου.
    • Try to throw the ball into the basket.
    • I tried to save him, but it was too late.
    try + -ing from (-do sth as an experiment or to a new experience)
    • Try taking an aspirin. You'll feel better.
    • If you can't go to sleep, try drinking some milk.
    • Try cooking with olive oil, you might find it improves the taste.
    • Have you tried windsurfing? It's great!  

    7. Stop
    stop + to -inf (= pause temporality; refers to an intention) Σταματώ προσωρινά.
    • Can we stop here to admire the view?
    • Jane stopped the car to check the oil level in the engine.
     stop + -ing from ( = finish; cease; refers to the ending of an activity). Σταματώ οριστικά.
    • He stopped studying and switched on the TV.
    • Stop playing and go to sleep.
    8. Be sorry  
    be sorry + to- inf (= λυπάμαι)
    • I was sorry to hear he failed his exam.

    be sorry for + -ing from ( = apologise for)
    • I'm sorry for interrupting...
    • Sorry for bothering you...
    9. Prefer  
    prefer + - ing form (in general) 
    • I prefer reading spy stories to watching tv. (I prefer books to tv)

    prefer + to - infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive (in general) 
    • I prefer to read spy stories rather than watch tv.

    would prefer + to -inf rather than + bare infinitive (specific preference)
    (would like / would love)
    • I would prefer to have juice rather than (have) tea.
     10. Like 
    like + - ing form (in general) 
    • I like reading spy stories.

    would like + to -inf (specific preference)
    • I would like to read.

    Like to + to -infinitive = θεωρώ οτι κάτι είναι σωστό να το κάνω ως υποχρέωση. 
    • I like to pay my bills as soon as I get them.
    11. Be afraid
    be afraid + to -inf = Φόβος (be too frightened to do sth, hesitate) 
    • She was afraid to jump into the pool.

    be afraid of + -ing form = Φοβάμαι μήπως σημβεί το ρήμα σε- ing form (= be afraid that what is referred to by the - ing form may happen).
    • I don't drive my husband's new car because I'm afraid of crashing it.

    12. Hate 
    hate + to -inf (= not like what one is about to do)
    • I hate to argue, but you are definitely wrong.

    hate + -ing form (= feel sorry for what one is doing)
    • I hate bothering you at such a late hour. 

    hearlisten to, see, watch, notice, feel + bare infinitive
    = > the action is complete: We watched all the cars cross the finishing line.

    hearlisten to, see, watch, notice, feel  + -ing form
    => the action is still in progress: I heard someone coming up the stairs. 



    begin, start, continue,

     allow, permit, forbid,

    advise, recommend, encourage, propose,




    α) + to-infinitive
    - αν είναι τα ίδια στην παθητική φωνή
    • We were advised to book in advanced (passive form)

    - όταν ακολουθούνται από (έμεσο) αντικείμενο 
    • The school forbids students (Έμεσο Αντικείμενο) to smoke in the classrooms.
    • He advised us (Έμεσο Αντικείμενο) to book in advance.

    β)  + - ing form

    - όταν δεν ακολουθούνται από έμεσο αντικείμενο. 

    • We advise booking in advance (no indirect object). 
    • The school does not allow smoking.

    require + to-infinitive =  απαιτώ
    • They require him to fill out a form.
    require + - ing form  =  sth must be done
    • These letters require typing.

    want + to-inf = wish / θέλω
    • I want to go home.

    want + ing form = sth needs to be done
    • These windows want cleaning.

    need + to-inf = χρειάζομαι
    • I need (I have to) to leave early. / Mike needs (has to) to buy some new clothes.
    need + ing form = sth needs to be done
    • The carpet needs hoovering
    need + passive infinitive = sth needs to be done
    • The carpet needs to be hoovered
    need (modal) + bare infinitive
    • Need talk to the boss



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