Some / Any / No

* With some, any and no we use singular verbs.

** Some / any / no  are used with both countable and non-countable nouns.
It is useful to remember which nouns are countable and uncountable first:

Countable and uncountable nouns

a) Countable nouns are those nouns that can be counted:
An apple, two apples etc.

b) Uncountable nouns are those that cannot be counted: water, bread etc.
Uncountable nouns take a singular verb and are not used with a/an.
Uncountable nouns can be divided into different groups:
Mass nouns: fruit juice, butter, sugar, rice, sand, etc.
Study subjects: physics, chemistry, mathematics (maths), history etc.
Sports: football, rugby, basketball etc.
Languages: English, Italian, Dutch, Arabic etc.
Diseases: influenza, malaria, asthma etc.
Natural phenomena:  rain, snow, mist etc.
Collective nouns: money, baggage, furniture, etc.
other nouns: information, accommodation, anger, luck, love, etc.



1. Some and its compounds somebody, someone, something, somewhere etc. are normally used in affirmative sentences:
  • There is some wine in the cellar.
  • We have some chocolate cake left from last night.
  • There is someone at the door.
2.  Also there are used in interrogatives questions which are used to make an offer or a request and normally the answer is yes:
  • Would you like some tea?
  • Do you want something to eat?
  • Can you ask someone to come and repair the TV?



1. Any and its compounds anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere etc. are used in interrogative sentences
  • Has anyone seen my mobile?
  • Do we have anything in the fridge?
2. Not any is used in negative sentences
  • I didn't have any time to speak to Marc.

3. Any and its compounds can be used with words like without, never, rarely, seldom, hardly.
  • I have never met anyone as rude as you.
4. When any and its compounds are used in affirmative sentences there is a different meaning.
  • We can go anywhere you like. = It doesn’t matter where we go.
  • Anyone could have told you that. = I’m surprised you don’t know this.
  • You can come any day you want.
  • You can find anything you wish in this shop.



No and its compounds can be used instead of not any in negative sentences:
  • He didn’t do anything = He did nothing.


1. Εκτός απο τα anybody, somebody, nobody κ.α. χρησιμοποιήται και με τα when, where, what, why και how.
  • Nesspresso. What else?
2. Με ρήμα σε ενικό.
  • He hasn't arrived yet but everybody else is here.
3. Possessive case: else's
4. Or else = otherwise = if not

Every - Each


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