Simple Past

  • Πράξη στο ΠΑΡΕΛΘΟΝ που ξέρω ΠΟΤΕ έγινε.  
  • Ρήμα σε -ed ή δεύτερη στήλη.

  • DID


You played        Did you play       You did not play (You didn't play)


1. Η πράξη έγινε στο παρελθόν και ξέρω πολύ καλά πότε έγινε.
I woke up very early yesterday morning.

2. Διαδοχικές πράξεις στο παρελθόν.
Yestarday morning, I got up, I washed, I dressed up, I ate and then I left home.

3. Για να αναφερθούμε σε καταστάσεις που είμαστε σίγουροι οτι δεν θα ξαναγίνουν στο μέλλον ή για να μιλήσουμε για ανθρώπους που έχουν πεθάνει.
Tennessee Williams wrote 35 masterpieces.

4. Συνήθεια του παρελθόντος που δεν ισχύει πια! Κάτι που κάναμε παλιά αλλά τώρα δεν το κάνουμε (όχι Παρατατικός όπως στα ελληνικα αλλά Αόριστος!!!)
When I was young I went to my village every summer.

Σε αυτή την περίπτωση μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε επίσης και τα:

a) used to + απαρέμφατο
When I was young I used to go to my village every summer.

He used to smoke.
Did he use to smoke?
He didn't use to smoke.

b) would + απαρέμφατο
When I was young I would go to my village every summer.
Would he go to his village every summer when he was young?
He wouldn't go to his village every summer when he was young.

Το would + απαρέμφατο δεν πάει ποτέ με stative.
I believed everything I heard
I used to belive enythng I heard

  • Ι would always take my surfboard with me when I went to the beach.
  • Would you always take your surfboard with you when you went to the beach?
  • You would not always take your surfboard with you when you went to the beach.

Like "used to" and Simple Past, "would always" expresses the idea that something was an old habit which stopped in the past. It says that an action was often repeated in the past, but it is not usually done now. But unlike "used to" and Simple Past, "would always" suggests that someone willingly acted that way and sometimes expresses annoyance or amusement at the habit. It also often suggests the habit was extreme. To express the opposite idea, we can say "would never" to indicate that someone never did something in the past, but now they do.
  • She would always send me strange birthday gifts.
  • Sam and Mary would always choose the most exotic vacation destinations.
  • Sally would not always arrive early to class. She came late once or twice.
  • Ned would always show up at our house without calling first.
  • Mindy would not always walk to school. Sometimes, she took the bus.
  • Christine would always come late to the meetings.
  • Jeff would never pay for drinks when we went out together with our friends (refusing to do something or normally not doing something is also a form of habit).        

"Would always" is not exactly the same as "used to" or the Simple Past. "Would always" cannot be used to talk about past facts or generalizations. It can only be used for repeated actions:
  • Sarah was shy, but now she is very outgoing. Correct
  • Sarah used to be shy, but now she is very outgoing. Correct
  • Sarah would always be shy, but now she is very outgoing. Not Correct

In addition to "would always," English speakers often use "would constantly," "would often," "would forever" or simply "would." Although the last form "would" is correct, it is not suggested because it can easily be confused with other verb forms such as the Conditional or Future in the Past. Similarly, speakers can use "would rarely," "would occasionally" and "would seldom" to express the idea that an action was not often repeated.
  • Jerry would come to the parties every weekend.
  • Jerry would constantly bring his girlfriend to the parties.
  • Jerry would often bring his best friend to the parties.
  • Jerry would occasionally bring his older brother to the parties.
  • Jerry would seldom bring his sister to the parties.
  • Jerry would never bring his younger brother to the parties.

5. Xρησιμοποιούμε:
  • Presente Perfect για να ανακοινώσουμε ένα γεγονός αλλά...
  • Simple Past (ή Past Continuous) για να δώσουμε λεπτομέρειες γι' αυτό.

I have been to a party in my neighbourhood. A lot of people were there and I had a great time. My sister didn't come with me...

Χρονικές λέξεις
last week / year / summer / ...
In 1971...(χρονολογία).
How long ago? (Στην αρχή μιας ερώτησης): How long ago did Big Bang happen?
when (σε ερώτηση): When did Big Bang happen?

Spelling rules:

1.Όταν το ρήμα τελειώνει σε e προσθέτουμε στο τέλος της λέξης μόνο d:


2. Ρήματα που τελειώνουν σε l διπλασιάζουν + ed


3. Ρήματα που τελειωνουν σε σύμφωνο + y χάνουν το -y και παίρνουν -ied

cry - cried (αλλά: play - played).

4. Σύμφωνο - φωνήεν - σύμφωνο. Όταν στο φωνήεν υπάρχει επιτονισμός τότε το δεύτερο σύμφωνο διπλασιάζεται + ed
Cut - cutted
Stop - stopped



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