Inversion / Verb before the Subject

INVERSION means putting the verb before the subject. Υπάρχουν δυο τρόποι για να κάνουμε inversion:

A. verb + subject

1. Με τα here και there στην αρχή της πρότασης ρήματα κίνησης:
  • Here comes the sun, little darling! Here comes the sun, and I say "It's all right"...
  • Here comes the rain again, falling on my head like a memory, falling on my head like a new emotion
  • There goes all my money! To clothes!
  • Here comes the teacher (but: Here she comes => Δηλ. όταν αναφερόμαστε με αντωνυμία δεν έχουμε inversion. 
Με αντωνυμίες δεν έχουμε inversion  :
  • Oh! No! Here we go again!
  • There you go - I knew you'd forget if you didn't write it down. (I told you so)

2. Στον πλάγιο λόγο όταν το υποκείμενο του εισαγωγικού ρήματος είναι όνομα έχουμε optional inversion:
  •  "I don't like the hotel" Bob said. 
  •  "I don't like the hotel" said Bob.
Μη inversion όταν το υποκείμενο του εισαγωγικού ρήματος είναι αντωνυμία:
  • "I don't like the hotel" he said.

B. be / have / modal / auxiliary verb + subject + verb

1. To make questions :
  • Does he live alone?  
  • Can you do it by yourself?
2. Μετά από τα ακόλουθα:
  • - I love you. - So do I.
  • She was a talented musician and so was her sister.
  • She was a talented musician as was her sister. 
  • - I don't love you. - Neither do I.
  • - I don't love you. - Nor do I.
Also they can be used in the following way (also including an inversion).
  • Jennifer buys only organic fruit and vegetables, and so does Hugh.
  • They don't mind the higher prices, and neither do we. (Or: ...nor do we.)

More examples:

Italy produces many excellent wines, and Spain does too.
Italy produces many excellent wines, as does Spain.

France is a founder member of the EU. Belgium is a founder member too.
France is a founder member of the EU, as is Belgium.

3. Inversion with so and such

NOTE: So συνοδευόμενο από επίθετο
             Such (sometimes it can be replaced by so great)
  • So excited were they that they couldn't sit still (No inversion: They were so excited that...)
  • So filthy were his clothes that we all gagged from the smell.
  • So beautiful was the girl that nobody could talk of anything else. (No inversion: the girl was so beautiful that nobody could talk of anything else)
  • So delicious was the food that we ate every last bite. (No inversion: the food was so delicious that we ate every last bite)
  • Such was their excitement that they began to jump up and down = So great was their excitement that....
  • Such an awful time we had that we left after only thirty minutes.

4. Στην αρχή της πρότασης, μετά από επιρρηματική έκφραση του τόπου:
  • Round the corner came the postman.
  • On the doorstep was a bunch of flowers.
  • Outside the house was a sports car (όχι: outside the house it was a sports car)

5. Στην αρχή της πρότασης, μετά από αρνητικές εκφράσεις όπως:
  • Under no circumstances will I ever go back there again!
  • In no circumstances will I ever go back there again!
  • In no way do I agree with what you're saying / In no way will I ever go back there again!
  • At no time did she say she would come.
  • Not only was the car slow, but (also) it was also very uncomfortable.
  • Not only is she a great dancer but she is also an amazing mathematician. *
  • Not (even) once did you call for help.
  • On no account should you do anything without asking me first.
  • By no means did I mean to mock you.
  • Only then did I understand the problem.
  • Only later did she really think about the situation.
  • Only in this way could John earn enough money to survive.
* She is not only a great dancer but she is also an amazing mathematician. (No inversion)


6.  Στην αρχή της πρότασης, μετά από λέξεις όπως:          
  • Seldom have I seen such a beautiful view.
  • Rarely did he pay anyone a compliment *
  • Never (before) had I felt so happy.
  • Little did he imagine how dangerous it would be / Little did he know!
  • Nowhere have I ever had such bad service.
 * We use the auxiliary verb "does" in the same way we do in questions although this isn't a question.

7. Σε εξιστόρηση (a) όταν βρίσκονται στην αρχή της φράσης και (b) όταν ένα γεγονός συμβαίνει μετά από ένα άλλο        
  • Hardly  (ever) had I begun to speak when I was interrupted.
  • Scarcely had we started our meal when the phone rang.
  • Barely had I opened the book to read when my neighbour put on some music at full blast. 
  • No sooner had I arrived than they all started to argue.
NOTE: The past perfect tense is used to describe the event that happened first.

8. Όταν τα ακόλουθα βρίσκονται στην αρχή της πρότασης το inversion το παθαίνει η κύρια που ακολουθεί.        
  • Only after the meeting did I realize the importance of the subject.
  • Only after he arrived at the airport did he look for his passport.
  • Only when the plane landed safely did he calm down
  • Only if you look through this dark glass will you be able to see the spots on the sun.
  • We accepted the invitation. Only later did we suspect it might be a trap * (περίπτωση n5).
  • Only by threatening physical violence was the teacher able to control the class.
  • Not until / till I heard my name did I believe I had won the race**
  • Not since Lucy left college had she such a wonderful time.
     ** It was not until I heard my name that I believed I had won the race. (No inversion)

9.  A few very literary sentences begin with an adjective and include an inversion.
  • "Tender is the night"
  • Blessed are the children who are still unaware of what the future holds.
  • Gone* are the days when I could have been happy.
* Here the past participle is used like an adjective.
However there is no inversion in the following sentence: Strange as it may seem, we were sorry to leave in the end.
 10. Conditionals with inversions: should / were / had (στην αρχή υποθετικών προτάσεων):
  • Type 1: Should he call, tell him I'm out (If he should call, tell him I'm out).
  • Type 2: Were I you, I wouldn't trust him (If I were you, I wouldn't tryst him).
  • Type 3: Had I been told, I would have offered my help ( If I had been told, I would have offered my help).
NOTE 1:  should, were and had are the only verbs that can be inverted in this way
NOTE 2: were is also used with he, she and it.



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