Modals Verbs / Expressions Similar to Modal Verbs

Here's a list of the modal verbs in English:
wouldmustshallshouldought to

Modals are different from normal verbs:
1: They don't use an 's' for the third person singular.
2: They make questions by inversion ('she can go' becomes 'can she go?').
3: They are followed directly by the bare infinitive of another verb (without 'to').




Can - Could /- Be able to

When we talk about ability, we mean:

 a) general ability. This is something that once you have learned you can do any time you want (e.g. read, swim, speak a language).

 b) specific ability. This mean something that you can or can't do in one particular situation (e.g. able to lift something heavy, find something you are looking for).


For both general and specific ability:
  • Be able to
  • Can / can't

  • I can play the piano.
  • She can speak English.
  • He can't drive – he's too tired.
  • We can't come now.
  • He is able to open the door using his teeth.


*General ability:
will / won't be able to
  • At the end of the course, you will be able to make your own website.
  • He won't be able to speak Japanese in a week! It will take months.

*Specific ability:
can / can't 
  • I can help you tomorrow.
  • I can't come to the party.

*General ability:
  1. could / couldn't
  2. was - were able to
  3. used to be able to
  • I could read when I was four.
  • She could speak French when she was a child, but now she has forgotten it.
  • He couldn't dance at all until he took lessons.
  • My grandfather couldn't swim.
  • My grandfather used to be able to swim.
  • My grandfather could swim.
  • My grandfather  was able to swim.

*Specific ability (single past action):
  1. couldn't (όχι could)
  2. was - were able to (= managed to) 
  • When the computer crashed yesterday, I was able to fix it. (όχι 'I could fix it')
  • She was able to pass the exam, even though she hadn't studied much. (όχι 'she could pass')
  • He called us because he couldn't find the house.
  • I couldn't open the window.
  • Although it was dark, he was able to find his way / he managed to find his way.

could + perfect bare infinitive 
An ability or opportunity someone had in the past, but didn't use :( 
  • I could have played the piano well but I didn't practise enough.
  • We could have come earlier.
  • She could have studied law, but she preferred to become a secretary.

Συνήθως χρησιμοποιούμε could με τα ρήματα:

  • She listened carefully and she could hear people talking in the next room.

Click here for all the exercises about modal verbs

Obligation / Duty / Necessity
Must - Have to - Should - Ought to - Need
Must: (για παρόν και μέλλον)
- Strong obligation based on the speaker's opinion.
- It is your duty.
- You are obliged to do sth.
- Υποχρέωση.
- Αναγκαιότητα.
- Ισχυρό καθήκον.
  • You must listen to your teacher.
Have to:
- It is necessary to do sth.
- Strong obligation from outside.

Should / Ought to:
- Mild obligation or advice.
- It's less emphatic than must.  
  • People should take better care of the environment.
  • You shouldn't have taken that job, it was a bad idea not to.

Need* = it is necessary to
  • Need talk to the boss

* Το need χρησιμοποιήται και σαν κανονικό ρήμα, δηλαδή:
- κάνει ερώτηση και άρνηση με το βοηθητικό do/does,
- όταν πρεπει έχει καταλήξεις (-s) και
-ακολουθήται απο -to infinitive.
  •  I need to talk to the boss.
  • Do I need to talk to the boss?
  • You don't need to talk to the boss.
  • She needs help to do this.
NOTE 1: Must και Have to έχουν διαφορετική σημασία:

A) στην ερώτηση:
  • Must I tidy my room? (Do you insist that I tidy my room?)
  • Do I have to tidy my room? (It is necessary for me to tidy my room?)

B) στην άρνηση:
  • You mustn't eat so much chocolate, you'll be sick (It's not allowed or it's a bad idea)
  • I don't have to get up early at the weekend (I don't need to do something, but it's fine if I want to do it).
NOTE 2: Χρησιμοποιούμε το Have to για να σχηματίσουμε τους υπόλοιπους χρόνους.
  • He had to call for the doctor when Bob fainted last night.


Absence on Necessity (or absence of obligation)
don't have to / don't need to / needn't

1. Expressing lack of necessity in the present and in the future:
I don't
 + to-infinitive                                            
  + bare infinitive (modal)

  • He doesn't have to get up early
  • He doesn't need to get up early
  • He needn't get up early

2. Past

a) To express that sth didn't happen in the past because we knew that it was not necessary:

- Didn't have to + present to-infinitive
  • She didn't have to take a taxi

-Didn't need + present to-infinitive:
  • She didn't need to take a taxi.

b) To express that sth did happen in the past even though it was not necessary:

-Needn't + bare perfect infinitive
  • She needn't have taken a taxi. But she did!


 3. Expressing lack of necessity in the future:
to take my jacket. It won't be cold.
  • I won't have to call on my grandfather tomorrow morning. He'll be at the doctor's for his regular medical check up.


Mustn't / can't

- It is forbidden to do sth
- You are not allowed to do sth
- It is against the rules to do sth
- It is against the law to do sth

  • You mustn't drive more than 35 m/ph

Logical Assumptions
Must - Can't / Couldn't

Must: I'm sure / certain that sth is true.

- Χρησιμοποιείται: Σε καταφατικές προτάσεις.
- Εκφράζει:  Θετική λογική εικασία.
  • It is Sunday. He must be at home.

Can't  / Couldn't: I' sure / certain that sth is not true, real...

- Χρησιμοποιείται: Σε αρνητικές προτάσεις.
- Εκφράζει: Αρνητική λογική εικασία.
  • It is Sunday. He can't be at work.

Probability / Ενδεχόμενο
Should - Ought to

Κάτι είναι πολύ πιθανόν να συμβει στο παρόν ή στο μέλλον.
  • It's 10 o' clock. He should be at work.

Possibility / Πιθανότητα
Can / Could - May / Might
Present - Future

General possibility:
Can + present bare infinitive 
  • This road is very big and it can get very busy.
Specific possibility:
Could - May / Might + present bare infinitive
  • This road may get very busy tomorrow on account of a demonstration.
* Ερώτηση:
Both general and specific possibility
  • The bell is ringing. It's 3 o'clock in the morning. Who can it be?
Specific possibility
Could / Might
  • The bell is ringing. It's 3 o'clock in the morning. Who could it be?

Could / Might + perfect bare infinitive

Something was possible but it didn't happen.
  • Yesterday I left my keys on the front door. I might have lost them but luckily I didn't. 

Permission / Άδεια
Can - Could - May - Might 
Asking for permission:
Can - Could / May - Might = Do you...? / Would you mind if ...? 
- Certainly... / Of course... / Why not...? / No. I'm afraid you can't.

Giving permission:

can / may
- Can / May I borrow your pencil?
- Yes, you can / you may.
Refusing permission:

Can't / mustn't (see: Prohibition) / May not
- Can I borrow your pencil?
- No, you can't.
- No, you may not.
- No. I'm afraid you can't.

General permission in the Past:
  • Could
  • Was / Were allowed to
e.g.: When I was young I wasn't allowed to drive my dad's car.
Specific permission in the Past  
  • Was / Were allowed to 
I was allowed to go to John's party last night.

NOTE 1: Για αναφορά σε κανόνες ή νόμους χρησιμοποιούμε τα:
  • Can
  • Be allowed to: All citizens over the age of 18 are allowed to vote. (law)

NOTE 2: Στην ερώτηση τα may και are allowed to έχουν διαφορά στη σημασία:
May I use your phone, please? ( = I ask your permission to use your pen).
Are we allowed to use the office phone? ( = I ask to know the rule)

Request  / Αίτημα
Can - Could / Will - Would / May - Might
α) Ζητάμε να κάνουν κάτι για εμάς:
  • Can / Will you get me a glass of water? (informal)
  • Could / Would you get me a glass of water? (formal)

Yes, I would be happy to / glad to...
Of course...
I'm sorry but I can't

β) Ζητάμε κάτι:

  • Can - Could / May I have a glass of water please?
  • Might = πολύ επίσημο και δεν χρησιμοποιείται

Offer / Προσφορά
I' ll / Shall - Can - Could

I'll (informal) = I'm willing to do something.
  • You look tired. I'll do the ironing for you.
Shall / Can - Could I (we)...= Would you like me/us to.../ Do you want me/us to...
Shall / Can / Could I (we) give you a hand with the preparations?
Suggestions / Πρόταση
Shall - Can - Could 
a) Suggestion: Shall / Can - Could
Shall we go to the theatre tomorrow morning?
I would rather not. We can /could go to the cinema instead.
b) when we are asking for suggestions or instructions:
Where shall I put this vase?
Advice / Συμβουλή
Must / Should - Ought to / (You had better do sth)

Must = Strong advice
  • "You must follow a healthy diet" the doctor said to me.

Should - Ought to = I advice you to do sth / You had better do sth
  • "You should / ought to follow a healthy diet" my friend said to me.

should ought to  +  bare infinitive
  • You should eat healthy food.
  • You ought to exercise every day.
  • You shouldn't smoke.


Should / ought to + perfect infinitive

  • You shouldn't have gone to the party.
  • She ought to have studied more often.




 Criticism or disapproval / Κριτική
Present / Future

Can / could / might  / should - shouldn't + infinitive 
  • You can be really annoying, you know! 
  • You shouldn't be sitting here just doing nothing!
  • You might be more polite.
  • George could really help you!


Could / might / ought to / should - shouldn't + perfect infinitive
  • I should have booked a table in advance.
  • Of course, you feel sick. You shouldn't have eaten so much chocolate.
  • You might have told me you weren't coming!
  • George could really have helped you
  • You should have known better....
  • You ought to have come to me for help but you didn't.



Be to + infinitive


  • Must. Obligation = It refers to what someone is obliged or required to do.
If I am not to tell anyone, then that’s simply not fair.

  • We also use it to refer to formal decisions: p.e.: making decisions at a business meeting.
So, George is to contact the Stockholm office, and Patricia is to speak to the Elsico representative. Agreed?

  •  We can also use be to when we give someone commands or instructions:
You are to report to the head office by 8.30 am.
She’s not to be late. OK?


 Be supposed to + infinitive

Should. Someone else expects us to do something.
I'm supposed to work this weekend. ( My boss expects me to do so). 

Be likely + to infinitive

It is likely + clause

Probably (more emphatic than may / less emphatic than should-ought).
 The Austrian racing driver is likely to win the race.
 It is likely that the Austrian racing driver will win the race.

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