Clauses of Reason (or Cause)


As / since

the reason for

the reason why

because of / on account of / due to / owing to

now that


Because: to give information which isn't already known to the reader or listener.
  • I took a taxi because it was raining.
  • Because it was raining a took a taxi.
NOTE: A because-clause can stand alone. As and since-clauses cannot be used like this.
    - Why are you looking at her like that?
    - Because she smiled at me. (NOT: As she smiled at me / NOT: Since she smiled at me).
As / since (= Because): the reason is already known to the reader or listener.
  • I took a taxi since / as it was raining
  • ... and as / since it was raining again a took a taxi.
NOTE: As and since-clauses are relatively formal. In an informal style, the same idea can be expressed with so.
  • It was raining again, so we had to take a taxi.

the reason for + noun / -ing
the reason why + clause
  • The reason for his resignation was (the fact) that he had been offered a better job.
  • The reason for his resigning was (the fact) that he had been offered a better job.
  • The reason why he resigned was (the fact) that he had been offered a better job.


because of / on account of + ing (θέλει ετεροπροσωπία για να βάλουμε -ing).
because of / on account of + noun
  • We got married because of / on account of my being pregnant.
  • We got married because of / on account of an unexpected pregnancy.
  • We got married because of / on account of  my father. He is very strict.
due to / owing to + noun (σε ταυτοπροσωπία δεν βάζουμε -ing αλλά somebody ή something...)
  • I got married due to / owing to my father (sb). He is very strict.
  • I got married due to / owing to an unexpected pregnancy (sth).
because of / on account of / due to / owing to + the fact that + clause
  • I got married because of / on account of / due to / owing to the fact that I got pregnant.


Now that

  • Now that we have more children we have less free time.

For (in formal written style)

  • The citizens of York were upset, for a new factory was to built near their town.
(η δευτερεύουσα με for πάντα έπεται της κύριας).



 That is often omitted.
  • I am glad that you like it / I am glad you like it.
  • They were disappointed you weren’t in. / They were disappointed that you weren’t in.

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