Expressions in English B2 (1)

at ease = βολικός
I always feel at ease in my grandmother's house.
People in the UK are much more at ease with our multi-ethnic population than they once were.

at least = τουλάχιστον 
The children enjoyed the dessert at least.

at random = τυχαία  
The lottery numbers are chosen at random.

at once = με μιας = immediately  
You must come here at once; it is an emergency.

come across / run across / run into = meet by chance = συναντώ τυχαία = πέφτω πάνω 
Where did you run across that lovely skirt?

come up with a good idea / solution = επινοώ / βρίσκω

the same as = similar to = παρόμοιο

look alike = μοιάζω
The twins look alike and not many people can tell them apart.

tell apart = ξεχωρίζω 
I couldn't tell apart the real $20 bill from the counterfeit one.

by mistake = κατα λάθος = by accident 
I chose the wrong road by mistake. Now we are lost.

approve of = εγκρίνω 
I approve of the way you have remodelled the kitchen.
I don't approve of your eating ice-cream before lunch time.
10 things to do if your parents don't approve of your partner.

disapprove of = δεν εγκρίνω 
I disapprove of her choice for maid of honour.

run out of sth = ξεμένω
We're about to run out of coffee and sugar.

lack of = έλλειψη = lack sth
There is lack of food = We lack food 
People in undeveloped countries lack information.
There is lack of information and protection to ensure proper health care to women.

for the time being = so far = μέχρι τώρα
They've made very little progress on their report so far.

for certain = for sure = στα σίγουρα
I can't tell for certain if this is the right colour.

in charge of = υπεύθυνος = responsible for
You're in charge of making the salad.
You're in charge of the housework.

in common = κοινό 
One of the few things John and Mary have in common is a love of music.
They don't have many common interests.

in debt = σε χρέος 
I am in debt to the bank for my car loan.

in detail = λεπτομερώς 
We planned the entire project in great detail.

in favour of = προς χάριν / για χάρη / υπερ
I rejected him in favour of George

in advance = προκαταβολικά
I want my pay in advance.

in control = υπο έλεγχο

out of control = εκτός ελέγχου

in danger = σε κίνδυνο

out of danger = εκτός κινδύνου

in a rush = in a hurry = βιαστικά
She talked to me in a rush (in a hurry) because her train was leaving.

Be in rush = Be in a hurry: ήταν βιαστικός
She was in a harry because her train was leaving so she didn't talk to me at all (βιάζομαι).

in good shape = σε καλή κατάσταση
Mary is in good shape. She exercises and eats right to stay healthy.

in good mood = σε καλή διάθεση
When the boss is in a good mood our whole day goes well.

take place = λαμβάνει χώρα
Please let me know when will this party take place so I can be there on time.

in public = δημοσίως
It's illegal to walk naked in public.

in private = ιδιαίτερα / ιδιοτικώς
I'd like to speak to you in private so I can tell you my secret.

give up = παρατάω
They advised me to give up sugar in all forms.
I gave up swimming because of a serious knee injury.

deal with = διαχειρίζομαι = face
This is not a big problem. I think I can deal with it.

on purpose = επίτηδες
The bully stepped on my foot on purpose.

cut down on = reduce
The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.
I'm ​trying to ​cut down oncaffeine.

on a diet =  I didn't eat any cake because I'm on a diet.

to my surprise = προς έκπληξή μου /the ​feelingcaused by something ​unexpectedhappening.
To my ​great surprise, they ​agreed to all ​our ​demands.

to my disappointment = προς απογοήτευσή μου
To my (​great) disappointment (= ​sadness), he ​decided to ​leave.

disappointed in / with =
My parents are disappointed in me.
iPhone users are disappointed with the iOS 7.1 software.

dissatisfied with =
If you're dissatisfied with the ​service, why don't you ​complain to the ​hotelmanager?

on account of = because of = owing to = due to
We cancelled the beach picnic on account of (because of) the bad weather forecast.
Even they are against marriage, they got married on account of (because of) their parents.
I am staying home on account of (because of) being sick.
Due to (owing to) the fact that she got pregnant, they got married.
They got arried due to (owing to) her pregnancy.
They got married due to (owing to) their parents.
We got married on account of my being pregnant. (κτητική αντωνυμία)

get over = recover from the illness
She’s just getting over the ​flu.

without a doubt =
- Mary: Taxes will surely go up before I retire.
- Jane: Without a doubt!

bring up = raise a  child
We brought the dog up from a pup.

grow up =
I want to be a teacher when I grow up.

take after sb = to resemble someone to follow him as an example.
She takes after her grandfather in her talent for design.
You take after your mother. You have her nose and eyes.

show respect to sb = respect sb

with respect to = (as regards) αναφορικά με, σχετικά με

with all due respect = με όλο το σεβασμό

specialize in=
This baker specializes in French bread.
This baker is specialized in baking French bread.

expert on / at = 
He's an expert on the Civil War.
He's an expert at skiing.

experienced in =
She is very experienced inmarketing.

dream of =
He dreams of a world at peace.
Many teenagers dream of becoming pop stars.
I dream of living in a tropical island.

differ from = διαφέρω = not be like
This candidate differs from all the others.

excuse for = make an excuse
There is no excuse for his bahavour.
There is no excuse for drinking so much.

cope with = tolerate = handle = deal with = put up with
I can't cope any longer.
It must be really hard to cope with three ​young ​children and a ​job.

good at =
He's good at football.
She’s good at product design.
Her mother is good at Trivial Pursuit.
When Fatima was only six, she was good at drawing.
"He is good at sex" but "he is good in bed".
"Jere is good at math: he always finishes first"
"Jere is good in math: he makes all A’s".
Because Daiki is good with numbers, he plans to study accounting.
Maribel is good with children; she wants to be an elementary teacher.
Amos is good with his hands; he remodeled the entire house.
Lilah is good with money; she saves at least 40% of her allowance every week.

bad at sth =

fed up with = bored =
I was fed up with his excuses.

proud of =

keen on = fond of =
I'm keen on golf.
I'm keen on playing golf.

failure in =
We had a failure in the computer system yesterday.

familiar with sth =

unfamiliar with sth =

grateful to sb =
I am grateful to you

hope for =
I hope for the best.
I hope for good cooperation between the two countries.

famous for =

popular with / among =
The President is very popular with Latino voters.
The President is very popular among Latino voters.

join in sth =
At the end of this ​verse, we'd like everyone to ​join in with the ​chorus.
In the evening there was a barbecue, with the whole village joining in the fun.
He stared at them without joining in the conversation.
He laughed loudly, and Mattie joined in.    

resist doing sth =
The kids can't resist eating chocolate.
She couldn't resist ​laughing at him in those ​clothes.

in cash =
He never pays in cash.

permit / allow sb to do sth =
You're allowed totalk during the ​exam.

ban / prohibit sb from doing sth =
She was banned from driving for two ​years.
The police prohibited me from entering the building.

forbid sb to do sth / forbid sb from doing sth
He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment.
Women are forbidden from going out without a veil.

keep /get /be / put / in touch =
Is she still in touch with her ex?
Many ​therapists ​think it's ​important for ​adults to get in touch with ​their ​inner ​child.
The ​police put me in touch with Victim Support.

be in touch with a subject / activity / situation = your ​knowledge about it is ​recent:
He's really in touch with what ​youngpeople are ​interested in.

be out of touch with a subject / activity / situation = your ​knowledge about it is ​not ​recent.
He's really out of touch with what ​young ​people are ​interested in.

interested in =
He's really out of touch with what ​young ​people are ​interested in.

need for sth = 
Your brain signals your body's need for food.
There's a ​growing need forcheap ​housing in the ​larger ​cities.

have the intention of (doing) sth = something I want and plan to do.
I have no intention ofchanging my ​plans just to fit in with his.

intention to + infinitive =
It was my intention toexclude her from the ​list. I did it on porpuse. 

intend to = have a plan or porpuse
We intend to go to ​Australia next ​year.

objection to / against =
Her objection to/against the ​plan is ​based on ​incorrectfacts.


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