
Οι Participles είναι:

Present  (-ing): staying, leaving = δείχνει τί είναι κάποιος ή κάτι (-ικός, -ική, -ικό).

The film was amazing
She was tiring

Past (-ed ή 3η στήλη): stayed / forgotten = δείχνει τί αισθάνεται κάποιος ή κάτι (-μένος, -μένη, -μένο).

She was amazed
She is tired

Perfect (having + -ed ή 3η στήλη / δηλαδή ίδιος σχηματισμός με το perfect infinitive του gerund): having forgotten = είναι μια ΚΑΘΑΡΑ ΠΕΡΕΛΘΟΝΤΙΚΗ μετόχή, εκφράζει το ΠΡΩΤΕΡΟΧΡΟΝΟ (πράξη Α) και χρησιμεύει ως ο ΑΠΟΛΥΤΟΣ ΑΝΤΙΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΤΗΣ του Past Perfect.

After he had taken a shower he went out.
Having taken a shower we went out


# 1
αντί για relative pronoun + ρήμα

The man who lives next door is my uncle = The man living next door is my uncle.
The new shampoo which is advertised on TV is very expensive = The new shampoo advertised on TV is very expensive

# 2
για να εκφράσουμε αιτία
Because she was shy, Laura didn't talk to Ben = Feeling shy she didn't talk to Ben
Because I had seen the film before (A), I decided to stay at home = Having seen the film before, I decided to stay at home.

για να δείξουν χρόνο
a) ...σε δυο πράξεις στο παρελθόν η μια με (while)
We met Bob while he were shopping = We met Bob (while) shopping

...πράξεις που δηλώνουν προτερόχρονο στο παρελθόν (πράξη Α σε past perfect ή σε perfect participle / πράξη Β σε simple past).
After he had taken a shower he went out = (After) Having taken a shower we went out

...σε διαδοχικές πράξεις (καπάκι) αντικαθιστά τον πρώτο simple past
She heard the news and she fainted = Hearing the news she fainted.

...προς αποφυγή επανάληψης του past continuous
He was walking down the street and he was whistling a tune = He was walking down the street whistling a tune

...The past participle can also be used to shorten or combine passive clauses that have the same subject.
The boy was given an apple. He stopped crying. – Given an apple, the boy stopped crying.


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